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Empire Xp
Türkçe Açıklama :

Empire XP çok basitçe hazırlanmış masa üstünde çalışan bir strateji oyunu, Görel olarak oldukça düşük bir grafiğe sahip olsada oynadıkça eğlenilebilen bir oyun, oyunda size verilen haritada stratejik bölgelere belli sayıda askeri güç konuşlandırıyor daha sonra farklı bölgelere saldırıyorsunuz. Eğer stratejiniz tutarsa saldırdığınız bölgeleri ele geçiriyorsunuz, tabii elinizdeki topraklarıda kaybetmek olası.

İngilizce Açıklama :

Empire XP is a Windows version of the classic Risk board game.

Unregistered the program is fully functional but is limited to 4 computer players and 2 maps.

The object of Empire XP is to occupy every territory on the map, eliminating all other players, thus conquering the world.

It's features are close to the actual board game, except :

Trading in Risk cards for armies,

2 cards of the same design (Cavalry,Artillery, Infantry) = 5 bonus armies
3 = 10 bonus armies
4 = 15 bonus armies
5 = 20 bonus armies

Wild cards count as any.

Dice are not used in Empire XP, instead you can choose from : the biggest army always wins the battle (1-for-1 system)

a bigger army gives a better chance of winning (Dice-like results)

Some other important rules are :

- maximum of 4 armies on 1 territory to place during initial placement

- defend phase OR attack phase. (bonus armies for cards or continents can override this rule)

- you can move all your armies (-1) to the newly conquered territory after a succesfull attack

- only after an attack phase you may transport 7 armies across your own territories (so-called free moves)

Additional game options :

- Losses counter: minimize your losses during the game, the fewer armies you need the higher is your score

- One-PC-multiplayer game (hotseat mode)

- Demo mode, use this as a tutor or a screen saver

- Hidden territories, test your memory skills with this option.

- LAN multiplayer gaming, join a game or start a network game

- Create maps of your own and share them with others

- Internet/Online Gaming, play against friends over the internet

- Submit high scores, get your name listed on the top 5 players list

- Computer player 'Personalities'

- Play against 1 computer player

- Chat while playing a LAN/Internet game

- Statistics window

- Strongholds

Yazar: Onur
Tarih: 26/01/2008 23:00
Görüntülenme: 117 kere
İndirilme: 0 kere
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